Therapists Talk Therapy
Therapists Talk Therapy
Ep. 11 | Feelings
Welcome to our third panel discussion on the topic of feelings. I am joined by three very interesting guests today. Majella Phelan is a PCI graduate and now lecturer. She has worked in private practice since qualifying in 2015 and is passionate about empowering clients on their healing journey. David Maher is an IACP accredited therapist with a private practice based in Kilkenny. He also works as a PCI lecturer and provides online sessions with Mind and Body Works. Ramesh Ramsahoye is a faculty lecturer with PCI College where he teaches theory, personal development and humanistic and existential psychotherapy. We talk about what feelings are, what they mean and what we can do with them. Feelings can seem threatening to people who haven’t learned the skill of, or been given permission to, connect with and express their feelings. We highlight the vital role of therapy as a place to facilitate this with clients, regardless of theoretical orientation. We attempt to put language on what can be an abstract topic and hope you find this discussion useful for working with your own clients.