Therapists Talk Therapy

Ep. 17 | Parental Alienation

PCI College Season 1 Episode 17

Today I am discussing the topic of parental alienation with Brian O Sullivan. Parental alienation is a concept relevant to children and young people who inexplicably resist or refuse contact with a previously loving parent for no justifiable reason. We explore the history of this concept as well as the disagreement which exists around it. We discuss how it might show up in the therapy room through the use of case study examples. While it is usually worked with as part of a team, it is useful for therapists to be aware of how it might present in their work. Brian is an accredited family therapist with a particular interest in parental alienation. He has designed the only academically accredited postgraduate programme on the subject, in association with the Institute of Family Therapy and Systemic Practice in Malta, with students attending from around the world. He is the founding editor of the only peer reviewed journal on the topic, the European Journal of Parental Alienation Practice, which is devoted to scholarly exploration of parental alienation. Brian has previously worked as an associate lecturer with PCI College. 

Pleas follow these links to find out more about Brian’s work - :  and